
The imperative form is used when giving orders.  The only irregular form is the verb"vara" 
(to be) which imperative form is "var" (be, was).
Take the stem of the verb.

Att vara. Var tyst! = Be quiet!

Att hjälpa. Hjälp mig! = Help me!
Att sova. Sov gott! = Sleep well!
Att komma. Kom hit! = Come here!
Att sitta. Sitt ner! = Sit down!
Att lägga. Lägg ner boken nu! = Put the book down now!
Some exceptions: The a stays with the verb when the verb is regular. At times this also is evident as a noun can be made of the verb by removing the a.
Att städa. Städa ditt rum! =Clean your room!
Att diska. Diska nu! = Do the dishes now!
*Disk= dirty dishes
Att bädda. Bädda din säng! = Make your bed!
*Bädd= another word for bed
Att ropa. Ropa på honom! = Call him (call out loud)!