Summer universities
The Summer Universities give an opportunity for both personal and professional development. They operate in tight contact and permanent collaboration with Finnish universities.
The courses are open to everyone regardless of age or prior education. It is essential to notice that summer universities offer short-term courses, in other words they do not offer degree programmes.
The language of instruction is mainly Finnish or Swedish but some courses are taught in English.
- The Open University, where the programme is carried out according to the requirements of the universities and the credits are equal to the credits at Finnish universities
- Vocational continuing education
- Preparatory and extramural courses
- Studia General Lectures
- Seminars and events on cultural and regional issues
- Univeristy activities for the third age
The fees usually vary from 70 euros to 200 euros. Note that summer universities do not award grants for either Finnish or international students and all the expenses must be covered by the student him or herself.
Students are accepted in the order of registration. The prerequisities and application dates for the courses are not uniform, so contact the appropriate summer university for more information.
Learn Swedish at the following universities
Hangö sommaruniversitet (Hangö/Hankoo)
Helsingforsnejdens sommaruniversitet (Helsingfors/Helsinki)
Vasa Sommaruniversitet (Vasa/Vaasa)
Högskolan på Åland (Mariehamn /Maarianhamina)
Finnish summer universities
Etelä-Karjalan kesäyliopisto (Willmanstrand/Lappeenranta)
Etelä-Karjalan kesäyliopisto (Imatra)
Etelä-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopisto (Seinäjoki)
Hämeen kesäyliopisto (Hämeenlinna)
Jyväskylän kesäyliopisto (Jyväskylä)
Kainuun kesäyliopisto (Kainuu)
Keski-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopisto (Jakobstad/Kokkola)
Kuopion kesäyliopisto (Kuopio)
Kymenlaakson kesäyliopisto (Kouvola)
Kymenlaakson kesäyliopisto (Kotka)
Lapin kesäyliopisto (Rovaniemi)
Länsi-Suomen kesäyliopisto (Rauma)
Länsi-Suomen kesäyliopisto (Pori)
Mikkelin kesäyliopisto (St Mickels/Mikkeli)
Pohjois-Karjalan kesäyliopisto (Joensuu)
Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopisto (Uleåborg/Oulu)
Päijät-Hämeen kesäyliopisto (Lahtis/Lahti)
Savonlinnan kesäyliopisto (Savonlinna)
Tampereen kesäyliopisto (Tammerfors/Tampere)
Turun kesäyliopisto (Åbo/Turku)