Flash cards in the the classroom
The flash card project was funded by The Swedish Cultural Foundation and consisted of creating, printing and distributing packets of flash cards to Swedish speaking schools throughout Finland. The pictures for cards were hand drawn by a Canadian artist residing in Finland and we chose 50 pictures of animals, kitchen items, clothes, body parts, toys, fruits and vegetables.
An e-book was also created and distributed to the schools and is still available online. The Swedish version of this e-book "Kortkul och ordskatter" can be downloaded from Scribd.com. The book contains 150+ ideas on how to use flash cards in the classroom starting from kindergarten to adults.
At the end of the project, we had contacted schools throughout Finland, sent packets with a CD of the book as well as the cards to over 500 schools and kindergartens. We also contacted the universities abroad that teach Swedish and many Scandinavian faculties were interested in it.
The project itself became a success, and has resulted in Veronica Gelfgren giving lectures about flash cards and using online tools for material creation. This has been done in Finland, Sweden and Bulgaria up to date. For more information about teacher training with flash cards and online tools contact Veronica on veronica@learnwell.fi